My Weekly motivation is brought to us by the beautiful Marilyn Monroe Today I made the decision to upgrade my blog. And I think I’ve been putting it off because of the fear that it won’t become more than a hobby. Then I found this quote and I realized that fear IS […]
My first Ipsy Glambag! August 2017
I hope that you’re all doing well… So Ipsy right?! I mean next to boxycharm I think this one is the most spoken about subscriptions, especially on YouTube, by the beauty gurus i.e. Desi Perkins. When I got AramexGlobal shopper I figured that I would try to get as many subscription boxes as I could […]
Weekly Motivation : Don’t look back!
Welcome back and thanks for stopping by… This is my weekly motivation: Don’t look back It’s one thing to reminisce, it’s another thing to keep remembering bad things or reliving experiences…Stop!!! it’s holding you back accept it, let it go and move on… I know its hard, we are so deeply […]
Weekly Motivation : Failure
I hope you had an amazing weekend. It’s Monday AGAIN! I figured I hadn’t done a motivational post in a while and I am in serious need of some motivation. Our Weekly Motivation for this week is Failure So this weeks topic is Failure! Everybody get’s knocked down at some point in their lives in […]
July 2017 Glossybox Unboxing
Hi there and welcome back. I know my posts are very random and unstructured but truth be told I have a very hectic schedule and work is really demanding right now, so please bare with me for a while…I am trying my best to post more often… So Glossybox – I know that this box […]
How to get Boxycharm in South Africa
Hi There and welcome back! Are you like me, watching YouTubers like Kathleenlights, seeing her unbox that amazing boxycharm every month? Drool dripping down the side of your mouth wishing you could also get one. Can you just imagine my excitement when I saw Simone from an ordinary gal post her […]