Post a Quote Challenge | Day 1????

Hey Gorgeous!

I’m soooo excited because the lovely noorainsobiya from ThePlateMemoirs has nominated me to join in on this tag! A BIG THANK YOU to her…Go check her out…

It’s always so exciting to be invited to participate in these blog world tags and challenges… So noorainsobiya I’m so sorry I’m late but on the upside I hadn’t forgotten to participate ????

My first and Favorite quote every is “Nothing happens to you it happens through you “, this is something my “trainer” said one day while I was attending a course on shifting the mind in the work place.


I have been on a spiritual path to self discovery for I think around 2 years and I think the moment she said these words is when the shift took place for me…I know that sometimes it is hard for us mere mortals to comprehend what it means especially when bad / undesirable things are occurring in our realities, but as much as we are tempted to point fingers and look for people or things to blame, we have to learn to accept responsibility for the part we play in attracting these experiences (good and bad).

I hope this inspires you to look inward and realize that you are the creator of your reality!

Here are the rules :

– Post 1 quote a day for 3 days (can be your own or from other sources)

– Nominate 3 bloggers to participate per post thank the person who nominated you

My nominees are:

1. rachelellisfashionandbeauty

2. heartsofbrass

3. thebeautifiedblogger



  1. How inspiringly true!!! Wow!! I can’t get that outta my head now…
    Not only are you superficially beautiful,you’re beautiful deep within too…
    Loadsa love and thank you sweetheart for participating.. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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