New Releases!!!

Hey Beauties!

I have some exciting news from the beauty front in South Africa! If you have been lusting over the Naked palettes and The Balm , Rubybox and Retailbox have stepped up and are making our dreams come true…

I’m so excited to share this with you and hope you have a blast shopping for these goodies 😀

I know I sure will


Rubybox has been sold out of the urban decay naked palettes for a while now and they are bringing the Naked 2 & 3 back…Yay Rubybox and the cost as per the website is R699.95 each , that’s a steal considering on Hashtagawesome each palette is R1250.00 , if you want one ,be sure to log into your rubybox account and add it to your wishlist so when it becomes available you will be notified immediately!

The next hero of the day is Retailbox , bringing us some eyeshadow palettes from theBalm cosmetics , they now have these 2 available , amongst other cosmetics by theBlam, including BB cream, concealer, liner etc.

the-balm-bon-voyage-vol-iitheBalm Voyage – Volume II – this one is retailing for R635.00 , to link to it click here

the-balm-shady-lady-seThen theBalm Shady Lady special edition – cost on this one is also R635.00 , to link to it click here

*PS* remember that on retailbox delivery is free on orders over R500.00

Happy shopping beauties!

Have a wonderful day <3


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