I did a Brazilian blowout maybe 8 years ago now, and I really didn’t enjoy that. The novelty was awesome for the first month maybe then, the lack of curl was just meh. I didn’t like that experience at all. Then I heard about hair Botox and that was very intriguing to me, but I […]
Heat mask by Loréal dream lengths – New Breakthrough?
I was so excited to see this in stores because I received a similar mask in one my allure boxes last year and it was amazing. It wasn’t this one , the one I received was the Loreal Ever Pure intense repair mask. But I figured same company same concept. So before you get the […]
The Affordable Tresemme-Keratin-Smooth
Winter is officially here Scarlet’s! It is not even funny how cold it is in the mornings especially when you’re like me who leaves home at 5:45 am. To my fellow curly hair gals, we all know what effect the South African Winter season has on our freshly blow-dried hair, right? You […]
My Natural Hair Journey: The Beginning
Hello, there beautiful and welcome back…How you doin’? So in 2017 a friend of mine and I kept saying we were going natural, I know to a lot of you that means no relaxer and chemical straightening but for us, that just means no heat. My hair background So I have 3b – 3c hair […]
Review: Dove Pure Care dry oil range
Today I bring you a review of the Dove Pure Care dry oil range. Since it is Autumn over here in South Africa and Winter is upon us, I feel like I should give you gorgeous people some tips for treating your dry hair. My hair type is very dry, damaged and […]