I don’t know if you follow me on Instagram or not, but I’ve been trying to focus on being more mindful. To make gratitude a priority and I won’t lie, it’s not easy. All of us get caught up in “stories” and happening and all the negativity around us, right? For me, I had to […]
Weekly Motivation : Life is a journey
Happy Monday everyone! I hope this week will be amazing! I was thinking a few years ago I read a quote on a Hulletts sugar packet, it said: ” Life is a journey, not a destination“. Most days it feels like a destination though doesn’t it? Like we have to work towards nice homes, good […]
Weekly Motivation: What you can!
Welcome back! You know I feel like in today’s society having “things” is so important and even more important for your “status”. But when you really think about it, is it really important ? Does the person you think is judging you, buy you those things? Do they pay your bills ? No! So why is […]
Weekly Motivation: Fear is stupid!
My Weekly motivation is brought to us by the beautiful Marilyn Monroe Today I made the decision to upgrade my blog. And I think I’ve been putting it off because of the fear that it won’t become more than a hobby. Then I found this quote and I realized that fear IS […]
Weekly Motivation : Don’t look back!
Welcome back and thanks for stopping by… This is my weekly motivation: Don’t look back It’s one thing to reminisce, it’s another thing to keep remembering bad things or reliving experiences…Stop!!! it’s holding you back accept it, let it go and move on… I know its hard, we are so deeply […]
Weekly Motivation : Failure
I hope you had an amazing weekend. It’s Monday AGAIN! I figured I hadn’t done a motivational post in a while and I am in serious need of some motivation. Our Weekly Motivation for this week is Failure So this weeks topic is Failure! Everybody get’s knocked down at some point in their lives in […]