Hey Loves! How is everyone holding up? At the beginning of the lockdown I feel like the masking and self care was a bit excessive, for me at least. But I think I have a well balanced at home pamper routine down, that I thought I’d share. First off if you feel like you want […]
What I’ve learnt working from home during the lockdown
Hey ya’ll I am not going to drone on about how sad this all is, even though it is. I will say, stay strong and this too shall pass. So over the past week, I’ve started working from home, because my job allows me to do so. It is very extremely challenging with the […]
5 Important Life Lessons Gratitude Taught Me
I don’t know if you follow me on Instagram or not, but I’ve been trying to focus on being more mindful. To make gratitude a priority and I won’t lie, it’s not easy. All of us get caught up in “stories” and happening and all the negativity around us, right? For me, I had to […]
New Years Resolutions 2018
Welcome back everyone and I hope you all had an amazing festive season! This is my first post of 2018 but this year I decided I am writing down my “resolutions” here to ensure it is always in my face and I don’t get sidetracked by life. I wanted to create highly achievable goals for […]
Weekly Motivation : Life is a journey
Happy Monday everyone! I hope this week will be amazing! I was thinking a few years ago I read a quote on a Hulletts sugar packet, it said: ” Life is a journey, not a destination“. Most days it feels like a destination though doesn’t it? Like we have to work towards nice homes, good […]
Weekly Motivation: What you can!
Welcome back! You know I feel like in today’s society having “things” is so important and even more important for your “status”. But when you really think about it, is it really important ? Does the person you think is judging you, buy you those things? Do they pay your bills ? No! So why is […]